The Pope & Micheal Jackson – Heaven and Hell are Real

The Angelica Zambrano Story

The Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell and the Return of CHRIST. For a period of 23 hours, a young Ecuadorian girl named Angelica was shown the Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell, and the Return of Christ. She witnessed Jesus weeping as He overlooked multitudes of souls lost forever, a world that has rejected Him, a Church that is mostly unprepared for Him, a people that have stopped witnessing to the lost, and an entertainment industry that even lures children to satan. She witnessed many of our esteemed cultural icons suffering in the Pit; singers, entertainers, and even a pope. Angelica was also shown how the Kingdom of Heaven is all wonderfully prepared and ready, an unimaginable glorious place, where no evil exists. Though Jesus is ONLY coming back for a Holy People, and many of God’s children will NOT be ready on that day, and will be left behind in a world that will fall apart. -aka.23 Horas Muertra This video is sure to be controversial, it has started a firestorm of discussions and argument all over South America. Now, finally translated into English…….Angelica Zambran

Hell Is Real Y’all (The Angelica Story)

Jesus showed Angelica Zambrano that hell is real and she describes what it was like. Hell is no joke. It’s time to get right with Jesus if you haven’t already before it’s too late, because soon it will be.

“Once I started breaking sales records…I broke Elvis Presley’s record, I broke the Beatles’ record – once I started doing that, overnight, they called me a freak, a homosexual, a child molester. They said I bleached my skin. They did everything they could to turn the public against me. It’s a conspiracy. I know my race. I look in the mirror, and I know that I’m black…Michael Jackson- the 9th of July – 02 New York

”But I’m here to speak for all injustice. You gotta remember something, the minute I started breaking the all-time record in record sales—I broke Elvis’s records, I broke the Beatles’ records—the minute [they] became the all-time best selling albums in the history of the Guinness Book of World Records, overnight they called me a freak, they called me a homosexual, they called me a child molester, they said I tried to bleach my skin. They did everything to try to turn the public against me”.

I’m tired of the manipulation, the press…”

I’m tired of the manipulation, the press has manipulated the truth. They’re liars. History books are a lie. You need to know this, you must know this, that all forms of popular music, from jazz to rock to hip-hop, and dance, from the jitterbug to the Charleston, are black. But go down to the corner bookstore, and you won’t see one black person on a cover. You’ll see Elvis Presley. You’ll see the Rolling Stones. But where are the real pioneers?”…Michael Jackson ”This is all a complete conspiracy, you have to know that. I know my race. I just look in the mirror, I know I’m Black. It’s time for a change. And let’s not leave this building and forget what has been said. Put it into your heart, put it into your conscious mind, and let’s do something about it. We have to! It’s been a long, long time coming and a change has got to come. So let’s hold our torches high and get the respect that we deserve. I love you. I love you. Please don’t put this in your heart today and forget it tomorrow. We will have not accomplished our purpose if that happens. This has got to stop! It’s got to stop, that’s why I’m here with the best to make sure that it stops. I love you folks. And remember: we’re all brothers and sisters, no matter what color we are.”…Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson & Satan

Michael Jackson condemned Tommy Mottola, the head of Jackson’s label Sony Music, when the artist attended the Exeter Charity fundraising event Friday – June 14 in London. Jackson, upset with Sony’s handling of his latest album Invincible called ”Tony Mottola the “DEVIL.” Jackson added that he is now a free agent, Reuters reported. “I just owe Sony one more album, it’s just a box set, really,” Jackson said to a throng of screaming fans. “So I’m leaving Sony a free agent, owning half of Sony. And I’m leaving them, and they are very angry because they never thought that this performer, myself, would out-think them.” Additionally, Jackson has teamed with attorney Johnnie Cochran and Rev. Al Sharpton whose National Action Network coalition works to help prevent artists from being exploited financially by labels. “Record companies have to start treating their artists with respect, honor, and financial justice,” Jackson said in a statement. Pop superstar Michael Jackson claims that he inwardly communicates with the flamboyant, pianist Lee Liberace who died in 1987.  Although Jackson is known for his eccentric behavior over the years, its obvious that there is definitely something different about him.  The following are quotes from various interviews he has had.

Pop superstar Michael Jackson in Hell

 To watch Angelica Zambrano full story, click here:

“I have my one secret room, with a moving wall and mirrors. That’s where I talk to Lee Liberace. His is the voice I hear in there. I feel his presence so very close to me.”

” [Liberace] is like my guardian angel. He’s even given me permission to record his theme song “I’ll be seeing you”. Michael Jackson. Psychic News, Feb 14th. 1987.

“When I hit the stage it’s all of a sudden a magic form somewhere that comes and the spirit just hits you, and you lose control of yourself”

“It happens subliminally. It’s the music that compels me to do it. You don’t think about it, it just happens. I’m slave to the rhythm’ (1993 Oprah Winfrey interview – explaining the reason for the overt sexuality during his concerts, The Evening Star, Feb. 11, 1993, p. A10). “I wake up from dreams and go ‘Wow, put this down on paper,’ the whole thing is strange. You hear the words, everything is right there in front of your face. I feel that somewhere, someplace it’s been done and I’m just a courier bringing it into the world” – Rolling Stone, Feb. 17, 1983 “When I hit the stage it’s all of a sudden a ‘magic’ from somewhere that comes and the spirit just hits you, and you just lose control of yourself” – Teen Beat: A Tribute to Michael Jackson, Summer 1984, p. 27

Pope John Paul II in Hell

Is it a crime for God to make references to current events? Has God vowed to never drop the name of a celebrity in public? Then why are viewers in such an uproar over Angelica Zambrano’s testimony, which includes sightings of Michael Jackson after his death? I think this testimony is very sad news. As a Christian, we are to love and forgive our enemies. Therefore, we shouldn’t want ANYONE to perish in Hell, especially those who have done us no wrong. And Michael Jackson, who I grew up watching on television, is no exception Now as for those who don’t think this testimony is something God would arrange, just know that God in fact described the condition of king Pharoah in Hell to the ancient world (Ezekiel 32:17-32). So why would it be unheard of to receive such updates on renown people from our time? God chases after select individuals, yes. But He’s also after the masses. So if God’s wake up call includes making an example out of well-known people like Michael Jackson, Pope John Paul II or even Eddie Long, then it has a purpose.

”..not many can say they haven’t been warned.”

I can tell you one thing… not many can say they haven’t been warned about the reality of God’s judgment…distantcuzzins John Paul II being annointed by Hindu priestess with the pagan “Sign of the Tilak” allthechildrenoflight-India-Pope On Feb 2. 1986, Antipope John Paul II received on his forehead the Tilac or Tika, the red powdery paste of the Hindus: the sign of recognition of the adorers of Shiva.  This is total idolatry and apostasy. Oct. 27, 1986, Antipope John Paul II prayed with over 100 different religious leaders of various false religions, thereby repudiating the teaching of Scripture and the 2000-year teaching of the Catholic Church outlawing prayer with false religions. The entire day of prayer with the pagans, infidels, and heretics was Antipope John Paul II’s idea and they came at his invitation. During this meeting, the Dalai Lama placed a Buddhist statue on the tabernacle in the Church of St. Francis.  Among the various false religious leaders at Assisi, there were rabbis, Islamic muftis, Buddhist monks, Shintoists, assorted Protestant ministers, Animists, Jainists and others. During the meeting, a member of each false religion came forward and offered a prayer for peace. Antipope John Paul II, Angelus Address, Oct. 12, 1986: “In a few days we shall go to Assisi, representatives of the Catholic Church, of other Christian Churches and ecclesial communities, and of the great religions of the world… I issued this invitation to ‘believers of all religions.” The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of the pagan Buddhist religion. He also claims to be a god. John Paul II repeatedly praised the false religion of Buddhism. The two unbelievers appeared to have been the best of friends – brothers in Antichrist. In March of 1986, John Paul II went to New Delhi, India, the place where the Hindu Mahatma Ghandi was incinerated.  John Paul II took off his shoes before this monument and stated: “Today as a pilgrim of peace, I have come here to pay homage to Mahatma Ghandi, hero of humanity.” (Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II, 1986,1) St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Thelogica, Pt. II-II, Q. 12, A. 1, Obj. 2.: “…if anyone were to… worship at the tomb of Mahomet, he would be deemed an apostate.” This teaching of St. Thomas shows us that there are apostate actions, just as there are heretical actions. The Assisi event, venerating the monument of the Hindu Ghandi, venerating the Synagogue, going to the Buddhist Temple, going to the Mosque, etc. are all actions that prove that John Paul II was an apostate.  They are all equivalent to worshipping at the tomb of Mahomet. Here we see Antipope John Paul II in the Buddhist Temple in Bangkok, Thailand, May 10, 1984.  Just prior to going to the temple, Antipope John Paul II expressed how anxious he was “to meet his holiness, the supreme patriarch [Buddhist] in the temple.”  This is apostasy, of course.  Also, a few days before going to the Buddhist Temple (in preparing to go to Korea and then to Thailand), Antipope John Paul II said the following:

Antipope John Paul II, May 6, 1984: “…the world looks to Korea with particular interest.  For the Korean people throughout history have sought, in the great ethical and religious visions of Buddhism and Confucianism, the path to renewal of self… May I address a particular greeting to the members of the Buddhist tradition as they prepare to celebrate the festivity of the Coming of the Lord Buddha?  May your rejoicing be complete and your joy fulfilled.”

Not shown in the picture above is the gigantic statue of Buddha which Antipope John Paul II bowed in front of. John Paul II meeting with Voodoo worshippers, whom he invited to come pray with him at Assisi in 1986. The Animist religion to which they belong worships the souls of ancestors, the forces of nature, and also the Devil. Antipope John Paul II assured the witch doctors, just as he assured all the pagans, infidels and idolaters at Assisi, how “great” their religion is.

Antipope John Paul II, Angelus Address, Sept. 21, 1986: “To begin with, I would like to thank all those of the Christian Churches and of the other great religions of the worldwho have accepted the invitation to go to Assisi on 27 October, for a special meeting of prayer for peace, today so fragile and threatened.” On August 8, 1985, John Paul II prayed with African Animists (witch doctors).  John Paul II recalled the meeting:

 I also prayed with a group of Animists

“Particularly noteworthy was the prayer meeting at the sanctuary of Our Lady of Mercy at Lake Togo where, for the first time, I also prayed with a group of Animists.”(L’Osservatore Romano, August 26, 1985, p. 9.)

John Paul II continued with his wild program of apostasy, totally condemned by the teaching of the Catholic Church, after the Assisi event. John Paul II sponsored pagan prayer meetings at Kyoto (1987), Rome (1988), Warsaw (1989), Bari (1990), and Malta (1991), as well as numerous meetings since that time.

Here is Antipope John Paul II surrounded by an assorted group of pagans and idolaters, including one half-dressed, on Nov. 7, 1999 – at another one of his countless apostate interreligious prayer meetings. This was at his “Pan-Christian Encounter” in 1999. During these meetings, John Paul II praises them and esteems them for their false religions of the Devil. This is nothing other than a general occultism.

 ”…the gods of the false religions are devils…”

Scripture teaches that the gods of the false religions are devils (1 Cor. 10:10; Psalm 95:5).  Antipope John Paul II teaches that the false, non-Christian religions are good and that their “faith” comes from the Holy Ghost (Redemptor Hominis #6).  Here, at Assisi 2002, the apostate Novus Ordo “Franciscans” hand lamps to the various false religious leaders, including Christ-denying Jews, Muslims, etc.  This is very symbolic: this is the light of man without God; this is the light of peace without Christ; this is the light of Lucifer – and Antipope John Paul II was the one spreading it.  Those who follow the Vatican II religion are embracing this satanic syncretism and apostasy. On Jan. 24, 2002, Antipope John Paul II held another pagan prayer meeting in the city of Assisi Italy – a repeat of the abominable event that took place in 1986.  During the prayer meeting, a representative of every false religion involved was allowed to come to the pulpit and give a sermon on world peace.  In the presence of Antipope John Paul II a Voodoo high priest came to the pulpit outside the Basilica of St. Francis and gave the Voodoo prescription for world peace. (Voodoo, remember, is Satanism).  So, by Antipope John Paul II’sarrangement, from a pulpit outside the historic Basilica of St. Francis, a Satanist was allowed to give a sermon and provide his prescription for world peace.   This would involve slitting the throats of goats, chickens, doves and pigeons, and draining their blood from their arteries. After the Jew, the Buddhist, the Muslim, the Hindu, the Voodoo Witch doctor and the rest were finished preaching, the various false religious leaders broke up into different rooms to pray to their false gods.  Above we see the actual arrangement of rooms that Antipope John Paul II gave to the various pagans and idolaters.  Antipope John Paul II had it arranged in advance that each religious group was given a separate room in which to worship the Devil.  All of the crucifixes were removed, and the crucifixes which could not be removed were covered. Antipope John Paul II made sure that the infidels and pagans saw no sign of Jesus Christ.  The Muslims needed a room which faced East toward Mecca, and it was given to them.  The Zoroastrians needed a room with a window – so that the smoke from the wood chips that they burned to the devil could exit through it – and it was given to them.  The Jews wanted a room that had never before been blessed – in other words, a room that had never been blessed in the name of Jesus Christ – and Antipope John Paul II provided them with one.  Greater abomination, blasphemy and rejection of the true God almost cannot be imagined…by mostholyfamilymonastery

The Musically Enlightened ones

The music industry is deeply connected to Hollywood, used by the Illuminati or “the enlightened ones” to be big mind-control centers; influencing many in ways that fit their goals.  The first part of this article was an introduction on how it all began; in our previous edition the focus was on the price of fame with a few examples of the most prominent female artistes who are puppets of the Illuminati.  In this edition, the focus is on the most prominent male artistes and their connection to the dark realm.  Due to space constraints, one may not be able to mention all the artistes involved, so the decision is to give examples of the most prominent artistes. While he was still alive, and I say this with respect – Micheal Jackson reluctantly admitted to being deeply involved in the occult.  Known as the “king of pop,” Michael was believed by some to be carrying “the most powerful Nephilim the music industry has ever seen.”  Aleister Crowley in the book “777 and other Qabalistic writings of Aleister Crowley” talked about having a room of mirrors and wrote that if one looked into a mirror, there were ways to channel spirits of those gone before him/her.  Michael Jackson had his own special room with all the walls full of mirrors.  He claimed that he was in communication with the flamboyant gay pianist Lee Liberace who died in 1987.  In his own words, Jackson said, “I have my own secret room; with a moving wall and mirrors…that’s where I talk to Lee.  His is the voice I hear in there.  I feel his presence so very close to me.” He added that Liberace was like his guardian angel, and had given him permission to record his theme song, I’ll be seeing you.

Michael would channel Morpheus 

Craig Lewis believes that the mirrors were one way Jackson got his songs.  The other ways included “the giving tree” and through dreams. Craig Lewis of Ex-ministries believes that it is through one of these ways that Michael passed on.  In the famous Living with Michael Jackson interview with Martin Bashir, Jackson said he wrote songs by composing lyrics and not the music, because the music “would write itself.”  He also confessed that he had a special tree, called “the giving tree” which he would climb and receive inspiration for his songs. The third way was through dreams.  Michael said his best songs came through dreams.  Craig Lewis says, “Michael would channel Morpheus who was known as the ‘god of dreams.’  He would as well channel the spirits of Hypnose ‘god of sleep’ and Vanatose ‘god of death’ allthechildrenoflight-michael-jacksonObviously, this was dangerous, as Jackson would end up sleeping three to four days at a time…because he was trying to get hit songs.  Michael needed to sleep, so they begun to sedate him heavily so that he would sleep the amount of time he needed to sleep and thereby get his songs.  Sedatives are addictive, and with Michael’s aging body, increasing doses became fatal, resulting in the singer’s death.  In two albums Michael Jackson released, one can see deep connections to the occult.  In the History album, Michael Jackson built a statue of himself, like King Nebuchadnezzer had done in the past. The statue had engraved on its right arm 777, a reminder of Aleister Crowley’s book Qabbalistic writings and the advice to “channel Nephilim spirits for fame… getting songs from the devil.”  TheDangerous album cover is full of voodoo and witchcraft, a display of Michael’s involvement in the occult.

Some of the images contained in it include an upside-down world, a river full of skulls and bones, an image of Aleister Crowley (foremost Satanist who believed in satanic ritual abuse and believed in getting Nephilim spirits from young innocent children). An interesting image on the left part of the album cover shows Michael’s hand and standing on his hand is a small naked child holding a dragon skull.  The imagery used by Jackson is too obvious to discount as coincidental.

Jay-Z the head-Nephilim

Shawn Corey Carter, born December 1969 is better known by his stage name, Jay-Z.  He is one of the most financially successful hip-hop artists and entrepreneurs in America.  He co-owns the 40/40 Club, and is also the creator of the clothing line Rocawear.  Craig Lewis describes Jay-Z as the “head-Nephilim” adding that he has the chief Nephilim spirit.  Jay-Z in recent times has become increasingly bold in his music, openly making astounding declarations. In his clothing line Rocawear he has a t-shirt called, “Return of the god,” and as a headline “Do what thou wilt.”  “Do what thou wilt,” is the official dictum of the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O) and of its reformer, occultist Aleister Crowley.  In Jay-Z’s Grey Album, which is in fact a mix of the Beatles ‘White Album’ and Jay-Z’s own ‘BlackAlbum’; when played in reverse, one hears subliminal messages, Jay-Z says, “666” and “murder, murder Jesus.”  In the song, “Empire State of Mind,” Jay-Z gives a description of New York City, then out of the blue he suddenly raps, “Hail Mary to the city, you’re a virgin and Jesus can’t save you…life starts when the church ends…” allthechildenoflight-jayz In his video, On to the next one, Jay-Z stands in front of some lights, making it appear like he has a halo around his head.  The halo according to the Vigilant Citizen is used in iconic imagery to identify holy or sacred figures.  Given the dark occult theme of the video and references to Baphomet (used by the Church of Satan), the halo here takes on a sinister meaning.  Jay-Z who refers to himself as “HOV” or “Jay-Hova” (a reference to Jehovah) may be sending the message that he is a god in a ‘LeVeyan Satanism’ kind of way.  Not only so but in concerts he normally urges his audience to make demonic hand signals of the pyramid, while chanting “hova! hova!”  “Hova” refers to what Jay-Z calls his “god-name”, as in “Jay-hova,” “H to the izzo and V to the izzey.” Lewis believes that Jay-Z refers to himself as god, because people are worshipping him, because an old nephilim spirit is using his body. Lil Wayne says he has four tattoo tears on his face, and confesses that when he was getting his first one, his mother asked him to let her know how it looks so that she would get one herself.  He says he doesn’t lie to his mother but at that point he had to lie, because he knows that tattoo tears have a meaning.  In an audio interview with Ozone Magazine he states that he will kill, whether it is a family, or children or even newborns, and that he doesn’t give a ….”  He then boldly adds that, “he will never go to hell because he is going to take over.”  A tattoo tear symbolically means that the wearer has murdered someone, and in the audio interview Lil Wayne implies just that.  Lil Wayne is one of the world’s “most influential rappers.”

Kanye West- if the Bible were written again, he Would..

Kanye West states that if the Bible were written again, he would be in it, because he is one of the most important people in pop-culture today.  He adds that “hip-hop is a religion to a certain extent and the rappers are the preachers, music is the scriptures.”  He says that every concert is like church but one puzzling question people will ask is, “Whom are they worshipping?” 

The Spirit Of John Lennon

Paul McCartney believes he has felt the ghost of John Lennon. Apparently he sensed the spirit of Lennon while recording the song, “Free As A Bird” in 1995. “There were a lot of strange goings-on in the studio – noises that shouldn’t have been there and equipment doing all manner of weird things. There was just an overall feeling that John was around.”

Presence Of Michael Hutchence

Kylie Minogue is convinced the ghost of Michael Hutchence watches over her. ‘Michael is still around, I’m certain of that,’ she insists. ‘People might think I’m mad, but I feel his presence. It’s very personal. He checks in with me and I feel him just when I need him most.’

Beyonce renames herself ‘Sasha Fierce’

The R&B singer has christened herself “Sasha Fierce” for her double album, “I Am … Sasha Fierce.”allthechildrenoflight-sasha-fierce-in-elle
“I have someone else that takes over when it’s time for me to work and when I’m on stage, this alter ego that I’ve created that kind of protects me and who I really am,” said the former Destiny’s Child frontwoman.
“Sasha Fierce is the fun, more sensual, more aggressive, more outspoken side and more glamorous side that comes out when I’m working and when I’m on the stage.”

“I killed off Sasha Fierce. I don’t need her anymore. I am Sasha Fierce. I’m much more interested in showing people the sensitive, the passionate, the compassionate person that I am. More so than Sasha Fierce. Being an icon is my dream. It is the ultimate compliment and it has a lot of responsibilities. I take it very seriously,” Beyonce told “Dazed and Confused Magazine Within the media, they have targeted the youth.  Today’s pop music is filled with symbols and messages aimed to shape and mold today’s youth.  In use is occult symbolism, but as well other parts in music videos such as transhumanism and the introduction of a police state.  The music videos are so openly blatant that one wonders whether contemporary popular artistes like Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Rihanna, Jay-Z or even Kanye West know what they are doing.  For fame, money and a good life; musicians and actors have actually sold their souls and sometimes lost their lives in the process. They infiltrated the corridors of power via groups like the Freemasons, starting revolutions and toppling kingdoms. They gained control of the international banking system, allowing them to covertly rule the world.

Sold Out Quotes, speak of the Devil

“This is the mark of the beast, coming through your stereo. Lord have mercy on my soul, the sinning life won’t let me go. ‘Cause everyone I know, has been accepted to hell, where’s my full ride.” – 2*sweet Search And Destroy “Sold my soul, from heaven into hell.” – 30 Seconds to Mars “Sell his soul for cheap. Let’s make a deal, sell me your soul. Designer of the devil.” – 50 Cent “I sold my soul to the devil in L.A. He said ‘sign your name here on the dotted line and your songs they all will play.’” – Aaron Lewis

Trim Yourself To Fit The World

“Some sell their soul for the easy road. The devil’s always buying. I can’t count the ones I’ve known who fell right into line.” – Aaron Tippin “‘I sold my soul to the devil.” – Abi Titmuss “I’m just a demon that means well. Freelance for God, but do the work of Satan.” – Ab-Soul “Hey Satan, pay my dues. I’m gonna take you to hell, I’m gonna get ya Satan.” – AC/DC “Glory to thee almighty Satan. We praise thee.” – Acheron “Throw your soul through every open door. Count your blessings to find what you look for. Rolling in the deep.” – Adele “It’s done, there is no turning back. I’ve made my choice, now I’ve gotta face the facts. An emptiness wells inside of me. There’s no filling, the void that will always be. Devil.” – AFI “It’s devil’s deal. Satan, you know.” – Agathodaimon “How’d you ever get the devil to dance.” – A.J. Roach

There’s plenty of money to be had..

“There’s plenty of money to be had. But you also lose your soul.” – Alan Alda “And tempt the soul of any man. Between the devil and me. The gates of hell swing open.” – Alan Jackson “Thank you Luci-fer for guiding me.” – Alicia Keys “Dr. Dre told me he sold his soul to the devil for a million bucks.” – Alonzo Williams

“The dark covers me and I cannot run now.”

 – Amy Winehouse

allthechildrenoflight-AMY “You say you want it all. It was the look of the devil thats gonna send me to hell. I’m in the fast lane with no brakes. The lost soul. Conversation with the devil.” – Andre Nickatina “I sold my soul.” – Andrew W.K. “He said I am the devil. He offered me the universe. Some call love a curse, some call love a thief (Satan). I’ll taste the devil’s tears. Drink from his soul.” – Angus & Julia Stone “Fall for me and wait forever. The devil will come.” – Anna Calvi “Demons posted all around me, I can’t beat ‘em all alone.” – ASAP Rocky “But when it comes time to decide your fate, they’ll sign you on the line right next to Satan. Cause’ they don’t care about us. They just use us up.” – Asher Roth “I sold my soul to the devil. I’d like to thank the devil.” – Aubrey Plaza “Lucifer. Satan’s coming after you. Dancing with the devil.” – Avalon “Deal with the devil, he’s holding my fate. Stuck on the darkside. The deal is done.” – Backtrack “Dance with the devil.  I want ya, yes I do.” – Bad Company “See God gave us the talent, but the devil make us famous.” – Barry Sanders “Can’t no preacher, man save my soul. Did that full moon force my hand? (signing the contract) Or that un marked hundred grand? Please forgive me father. Devil gonna follow me everywhere I go.” – Barton Hollow “I sold my soul to the devil for seven wishes.” – Bedazzled movie

Satan is my master. He has always been

“Satan is my master. He has always been.” – Ben Folds Five “Sold my soul. Bought these devil chains.” – Bette Midler “To hell with the devil, I’m selling my soul to you.” – Bianco Jim “The women and the wine. But I finally hit bottom in an alley way. Hell wasn’t but a breath away. So I hit my knee’s in the street and begged god for mercy. Last night I told the devil where to go. You know heaven’s got my soul. Ain’t gonna listen to his lies no more. Well I was way to lost in a sinner’s haze. Burning up the days just another young man who had lost his way. Now it finally makes sense what the preacher said. When he said son, you don’t wanna wake up dead and find yourself alone in the fires of hell. Now when you hear that demon knocking at your door, you just tell him you don’t want his kind ‘round here no more. ‘Cause if you wanna love, if you wanna live, If you wanna be free, you can’t forget and forgive. You gotta kick him in the teeth and do exactly do exactly what I did.” – Big & Rich

“I wanna go to hell.” – Biggie

“Bout to inhale like I’m finnin to see Satan.” – Big Sean “I’m rollin’ with Satan, not Jesus Christ. I’m the only son of the devil.” – Big L “I sold my soul to the devil.” – Bill Kelliher “My family is under attack by Satan, I’m scared for daughter Miley.” – Billy Ray Cyrus on Miley Cyrus “As I get closer, my dreams get farther. I climb that ladder, but you kick it over. Thirsty for water, you give me vinegar. When I drink your medicine, it just makes me sicker. I dug a hole so deep. I’m gonna drown in my mistakes. Even sell my soul. I got the devil on my shoulder and I just can’t sink any lower. The hounds of hell are getting closer.” – Billy Talent “I’m half crazy but I know the devil real. I should know, I signed a record deal.” – Bishop Lamont “Prayin to Satan. Satan done got me.” – Bizarre “I’m paying the price now for selling my soul.” – Black Sabbath “I have made my bed and now it is time to lie down. Dark clown, eternal with a permanent wry frown. Better the devil you know.” – Blackstar Rising

“I met the devil and I sold my soul.” – Bloodsimple

“I made a bargain with him, the chief in a world we can’t see. (devil)” – Bob Dylan “Sinner man, where you gonna run to? You run to the devil. The devil was waiting. You’re saying prayers to the devils. So they build their world in great confusion. To force on us the devil’s illusion. Everywhere this fire is burning, Destroying and melting their gold, and wasting their souls. Don’t gain the world and lose your soul, just don’t lose your soul. Wisdom is better than silver and gold.” – Bob Marley “The devil took me by hand.” – Bon Jovi “He went solo, sold his soul to the devil.” – Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E “Want me to sell my soul.” – Bow Wow “I could really try new things. That was Satanism, it works really well, I made a pact.” – Brad Pitt “He ain’t made of flesh and bone. He’s the one who sits up close behind you. He’s at your door just let him in. ”Every man is evil. Unashamed of the wicked tongue. If I was Cain.” – Brandy Bones “All your empty lies, I won’t stay long In this world so wrong. As we dance with the devil tonight. Stealing the life of mine.” – Breaking Benjamin “We were doing witchcraft, trying to make witchcraft music.” – Brian Wilson

I’m a slave for you. Dancing in the dark…

“I’m a slave for you. Dancing in the dark. I took a sip from my devil’s cup. Slowly It’s taking over me. Satan’s our lord.” – Britney Spears allthechildrenoflight-britneySpears “Out on the corner with cast iron blood. Ten thousand or more with hearts on the run. They say I might die and I may be cold. I may have no Jesus, I may have no soul. But the devil’s a waiting. I’ve seen the battle and I’ve seen the war. And the life out here is the life I’ve been sold.” – B.R.M.C. “When I was a little girl, I had desires like you. One of everything, all the riches. How could I help myself? I was so naïve. Now that I have everything I’m a puppet on a string. Someone’s got the end and I’m unraveling. And here’s the thing: I would throw it all away. First I wished for money. Careful what you wish for, careful what you do. Careful what you dream, ’cause it just might come true someday.” – Brooke Jonatha “I wake in sweat You’ve come to steal my life away. Burning all the light. I sense your mastery. Are you the truth to sit in judgement on my sins? Evil laser gadgets come to penetrate my skin. The hanging judge is open. And I’m damned before his eyes. Another genesis has failed, and many more have tried. We’re the soul intruders. In the blue-eyed beyond, there is nowhere to hide, there’s no going back now. I believe you and me. I believe evil.” – Bruce Dickinson “Dancing in the dark. Does fortune wait or just the black hand of fate, It’ll take your God filled soul. Fill it with devils.” – Bruce Springsteen “Many have tried to go into the night. But that’s the price we pay when we living on the other side. Tell the devil I said hey when you get back to where you’re from. I’ve been locked out of heaven.” – Bruno Mars “He said; my name is the devil, and you owe me your soul. One strike of evil, one deal with the devil. Now greet hell with your soul.” – Bullet “I never knew that I would see the day that I would meet the devil himself.” – Busta Rhymes “I sold my soul to the devil.” – Cage ‎”I trade my soul for a wish. Pennies and dimes for a kiss.I wasn’t looking for this, But now you’re in my way.” – Carly Rae Jepsen “Leaning up against the record machine, He’s the devil in disguise. A snake with blue eyes. And he only comes out at night.” – Carrie Underwood “I sold my soul, only to the devil, and he wants it, you know.” – Casey Bill Weldon “I called out to God, but the devil keeps answering.” – Cee-Lo Green “You don’t think of the devil who’s inside.” – Celine Dion “The devil went down to Georgia. He was lookin’ for a soul to steal. He was willing to make a deal. ’Cause hell’s broke loose and the devil deals the cards. The devil gets your soul.” – Charlie Daniels “Was the devil with a twinkle in his eye, ‘Well God’s not around and look what I’ve found, this one’s mine.’ That train is dead on time, many souls are on the line. Well the railwayman, he cut the cards. He dealt them each a hand of five, the devil he had three aces and a king, And the Lord, he was running for a straight. The Lord and the devil are now playing chess, The devil still cheats and wins more souls, And as for the Lord, well, he’s just doing his best.” – Chris de Burgh “She’s a fallen angel (Lucifer), waitin’ for me to love her.” – Chris Brown “Talkin’ ‘bout a deal with the devil. I said about sellin’ your soul. I’m staring out into the night, trying to hide the pain. I’m going to the place where love, and feeling good don’t ever cost a thing. I’m not running from, no, I think you got me all wrong. I don’t regret this life I chose for me. Be careful what you wish for ‘cause you just might get it all.” – Chris Daughtry “I sold my soul to the devil.” – Chris Palko “Given Satan himself this free promotion.” – Chris Webby

“So now the devil’s in my soul.” – Christina Aguilera

allthechildrenoflight Christina-Aguilera-Bionic “I lie awake at night daydreaming of you. You lie awake at night, planning your next move. We keep playing games with each other, someone’s gonna lose. I’m playing games with the angels, I’ve been selling my soul to the devil.” – Christina Gomes “Hey, be careful about the kind of music you listen to. Because there’s so many evil forces out there that whisper evil ideas into your ears that can make you insane about fortune and fame. Don’t sell your soul to the devil. The feeling of Satan sitting on my chest, suffocating my breath, the opposite of God bless. I’m trying to make it to the top. The devil is right behind me.” – Claude Baus “Be careful what you wish for. Behind the curtains, the devil and his pitch fork.” – Clipse “Steal the soul for a second chance. My chosen torture. Stepping forth a cure for soul’s demise. Of a demon as I put it under. Lifeless corpse. The devil’s cry.” – Coal Chamber “Where do your demons come from? Devil is walking around us. I feel that he’s watching. How could I think I’d resist my furious fate?” – Coma “The devil is a friend of mine.” – Cosmo Jarvis “The day the deal went down, I heard the sound of a hellbound. I sold my soul, signed it on the dotted line, and it was easy. Found of the legends of the crossroads.” – Danko Jones “I have heart of the devil. I’m evil, and love is gone.” – Danzig “To offer you a contract. You will rather sell your soul to Satan.” – Dark Shadows movie “Cause’ I sign a deal with the devil.” – David Banner

“Rock’s always been the devil’s music.” – David Bowie

allthechildrenoflight-bowieBowie“Tired faces scream from their bright magazines. Got their fingernails clamped to the page, With a look of the born to be painfully ordinary gods of a desperate age. ‘But in secret and you won’t get a choice.’ So to hell with the world, I still love you my girl (Lucifer.) You’’ve been crazy to stay by my side. But you can dance better with the devil you know. There’s a light, there’s a right, tonight isn’’t as dark as it seems. So when victory comes at too heavy a price, well, there’s honor in choosing defeat.” – David Ford “I sell my soul to the devil” – David Hutto “So why sign your name in blood for more? It seemed like a sensible arrangement for me.” – David Knopfler “I set fire to a way of living. I put down the bible for a lady. Don’t let her turn your temperance away from the simple and sound. Or she will damn you darkly down. Taking souls under the spell of the shine. Now you can drink the firewater from the devil’s woods.” – David Lamb “By the devil I was tempted. I felt so rejected. I didn’t wanna go astray. The demon, I have faced it. I hope I’ll be forgiven, for all my bad livin’.” – David Soul “A devil in your head too, but you are not alone. Devils Parade.” – D’espairsray “I got a dark soul. Dancing in the dark.” – Dev “I know ya soul by soul hanging on the edge of rock n’ roll. But I am afraid he wants me to take your place. ‘Cause I have been to bad of a side.” – Devil Doll “I once thought that I would know the time just to give it up. You’re letting go the best thing you have. But you don’t hold on. You couldn’t change how the morals fail. You couldn’t change how we fall. A hundred souls tonight. Eternal hell will rise.” – Devil Sold His Soul “I went to..and I want it. Nobody can this understand. No one can wait to go, go down in flames. She’s so hot, she’s so wild (Lucifer). Before I realized, my soul, I’m lying down. ‘Come up and give me the soul. Surrender my soul, behind the closed door, yeah In the room 66/64.’ The devil knock your door, sweet demon. No one can save me now, me and my soul. I sold my soul. I lose my game, lose the blame. Now I’m a man without a soul.” – Devil’s Train “You have returned to the torture-chambers. Death and terror rules the soul. We have been spellbound by the devil.” – Dimmu Borgir

“I sold my soul, cold as ice.” – Dissection

“I have sold my soul and now the devil’s laughing.” – Disturbed “When its my turn to march up to old glory, I’m gonna have one hell of a story. I’ll fly away on a sin wagon.” – Dixie Chicks “The battles no longer physical, it’s from within. But you can’t win for losing, what sides are you choosing? Possess the manifest that’s heaven sent. No nonsense because my conscience wouldn’t be content. But just a little wealth, a little fame. To be a commodity on somebody’s record label. Devil.” – DJ Muggs “Speaking of the devil, well here he comes now. Got my defenses down. And I’d go through hell to make him mine.” – Dolly Parton “No angel born in hell. Could break that Satan’s spell. I saw Satan laughing with delight the day the music died.” – Don McLean “Devil came to me and he said: I know what you need. You will burn in hell.” – Dover “If you sell your soul to the devil, you get more grain.” – Drake “I sold my soul to the devil. It’s cold on this level. This is hell, go get the devil and get me the key but can’t be worst than the curse that was given to me. It’s what I live for, you take away that and I’m gone. New artists to sell they souls.” – DMX “I need a heart of gold, a little rock n’ roll. I felt this world turn cold. Cold hearted lover.” – Doro “Dre, soul assassins got potential buttons activated. No illusion, I have you caught. Executive decisions from the puppet masters.” – Dr.Dre “The devil prays on runaways, he’s never far behind. The many years I’ve tried now have been revealed to me.” – Eagles “I sold my soul.” – Eagles of Death Metal “Everybody call her angel. She’s no stranger to the devil. His mark is on her body. His fire’s burnin’ in her soul. She’s the devil I know.  Yeah, the devil sent her here. To deliver my body and soul.” – Earle Steve “Dancing with the devil.” – Earl Sweatshirt “Get thee behind me Satan, and push me along. I’m kin to the devil.” – Eazy-E “I sold my soul and then time takes its toll, forever I stay damned.” – Edge of Sanity “It cost me my soul out of control in a devil’s world. I sold my soul.” – E.D.I. “My soul is to sell. The dark is too hard to beat ‘cause they’re calling me.” – Ellie Goulding “You sold your soul at the crossroads, Kept a little of mine on hand, I’m wading out this muddy water. Been stranded in the Wasteland” – Elton John

“Because I’m evil.” – Elvis Presley


“Sin, love and the devil. Your love in my soul.” – Embraze “My life’s a circus-circus rounding circlesI’m selling out tonight” – Emeli Sandé “I’m trapped, so all I do is rap, but everytime I rap I’m more trapped. If I could go back, I never woulda rapped. So be careful what you wish for ‘cause you just might get it. It’s too late for the other side. I sold my soul to the devil. I’m going to hell. There’s no one on earth that can save me. I’m headed to hell. It’s the evil that made me Shady. I want the money, the women, the fortune, and the fame. That means I’ll end up burning in hell scorching in flames. Satan’ll be in to see me later to see if I’m interested in being partners. You sold your soul to me (Satan) need i remind you? You remember that night you, prayed to god you’d give anything to get a record deal? ‘Cause I possess your soul, your mind, your heart and your body. Devil worshippin’, Satan music. Call it evil that men do, Lord forgive me for what my pen do. ‘This is for your sins, I cleanse you. You can repent but I warn you, if you continue, to hell I’ll send you’, and I said I’m as cold as the cold wind blows. How long will I be this way? Shady until my dying day. Money turned me to Satan. The dark shall emerge from the fiery depths of hell, and swallow the shadows of all who are willing to sell their souls.” – Eminem “Salvation won’t be rearing it’s head. Calling as we level and when were falling. I’m like this with the devil.” – Entombed “I got caught, just like a prisoner. While I rock with you, you devil, yeah. Slip inside a different world. Must be heaven but who can tell. Maybe just a sweet way to go to hell.” – Europe “I’ve come to believe my souls on the other side. Without a soul. Save me from the dark. I sold my soul. Don’t try to fix me.” – Evanescence “The devil creep around you. Your soul is sold.” – Faithless “From the depths of hell, so far I fell. A deal made with the devil. I sold my soul. I let my demons take control.” – Falling in Reverse “A contract with the devil for a life of disdain. I sold my soul.” – Fear FactOut Boory “But once you change your name, well the pieces fall. Hollywood’s not America. You could make a million dollars, but you might lose yourself.” – Ferras “The devil comes and soon my subconscious and conscious might start to brawl. As this cunning demon takes me as its voodoo doll.” – Fergie “Seven Devils. And to take your soul. I’m damned so here’s to drinks in the dark at the end of my road. And I’m ready to suffer, found the devil in me.” – Florence and the Machine “Are they allowed to keep their soul? How do they get so successful?” – Food Inc movie “Send my soul on to the devil, you know my love was true.” – Frankie Lee Sims “I’m the devil’s advocate. We have our own worshipers.” – Frank Zappa

“The devil want my soul.” – French Montana

“I sold my soul for this.” – Fun. “A vision appears. It’s such a demonly form. By the fact that I’m trapped by curse of the devil has chosen. The spirit is bigger that life and larger than death. Waitin’ for Satan to show. Will he just come and collect elements from my body and soul? The devil got high, and we sat and talked about life. And I asked him was hell any fun. He told me it would be. He spoke about so many things that sounded like a lie. And he jumped in my spirit. He captured me just like a slave. But that’s what I get for thinking I could sit with the devil. ‘You stupid mother fucker. You’re gonna burn.’ And I watched as he sacrificed so many souls of the living. The devil’s a serpent. Inside me, I feel him.” – Gangsta Pat “I sold my soul to the devil.” – Gare Du Nord “Hello Satan, I believe it’s time to go. Me and the devil Walking side by side.” – Gil Scott-Heron “It’s a vocal point to express my Satanism.” – Glen Benton “Sworn to rock ‘n’ roll. Through thick and thin. Hellraiser. Hey, Mr. devil, we’ve got some wicked souls on sale.” – Gun Barrel “I graduated into the occult.” – Hall & Oats “He has all the power of darkness and night making you believe that evil’s all right. He can make you burn. Sell your soul for gold. Run with the devil. Offering you a life of glory and gold to hell. I know you’re sold. Take him to your heart and you’ll lose your soul. it’s tearing you apart, taking all control. Dreaming of a lie. All you get is fear agony and pain. Your end is very near.” – Hammerfall “And I flirted with the devil and he dealt me a card. He told me that you will never win. So I sold my soul to the devil. I never thought it could be this bad. And I got the devil takin’ me away ” – Hank Williams III “Now the devil, he played with golden fingers. And you listened to his tunes from hell. Johnny sold his soul to the devil down below. Up came the devil and he spoke to Johnny. You’ll play hot, you’ll play well, as the fires from hell. But your soul will be at my command.” – Hans Theessink “I’ve been dealing with the devil.” – Hawkwind “Satan, I love.” – Hayley Williams “For the torture, make sure they remember me. Blessed is the fruit you know how the hymn goes. No repent for sins of the past, yeah Imma make it last. Or is it hell, who can tell. My soul the Lord will take, but if I should wake still alive, I know the devil may cry.” – Heartless “The devil had spoke, said, you wanna be somebody, sign on the line. I sold my soul.” – Hellyeah “They say that he’s lost his light and his pure soul. That this dark world turned his heart cold. He claimed that the devil help me create the master’s piece. They say the devil’s in the beat, tone, in my rhymes. I hear the screams of people saying he’s gotta be Illuminati. Evil probably harvesting, his artistry possessed kept under and evil. Like he can only be kept under the steeple ‘cause in his eyes all I see is Satan. A beast that’s raging. As Judas know the trees fruit is always where the proof is. I hear the devil.” – High Society “The devil comes to bring a fate you couldn’t imagine in your wildest dream.” – Hilary Duff “What do you do to gut their souls? I was granted an audience in the devils maze. I could earn myself a seat that was right by him. ‘Cause everyday a million souls just fly right in. He could barely keep up with the souls of all the people. He said ‘Too many people want to burn with me. So you can tell I’m getting close to my goal, of creating a world where I can torture every soul.’”- Hilltop Hoods “Met the devil, made a deal for it.” – Hollywood Undead “Give up everything for the chance. Devil sold his soul.” – Hope “Satan had us, organized his own religion.” – Hotel California

“You are the prince of darkness. Hell born, demonic.”

– Ice Cube


“I walk the earth just as they planned. Baptized in fire. The coming curse, your anti-Christ, I will destroy mankind. Born of the beast and flames I will devour.” – Iced Earth “Conceived from hades fire, to catch to kill to quench. He’ll impose his will..on you. A voice screams deep inside my skull, ‘Welcome. Your fate will now begin.’ Dr. Jack, your soul is so black, a spawn from the devil’s lair. Hall of desire.” – Imagika “When the days are cold, and the cards all fold, look into my eyes. It’s where my demons hide. It’s dark inside. When the curtain’s call, is the last of all. When the lights fade out, all the sinners crawl . I am hell bound. So this is what you meant, when you said that you were spent. And now it’s time to build from the bottom of the pit. So this is where you fell (Lucifer). And I am left to sail. The path to heaven runs through miles of clouded hell.” – Imagine Dragons “Beware of the devil. The devil looked into my eyes when I was seventeen. He said, ‘I’ll give you all the world if you will follow me.’ He dealt the cards, I drew the king, with this he was not pleased . And then he raised the stakes when he said to me: ‘I am the devil. I am the dealer, I’ve come for your soul. Lay down your cards and I’ll take control. Fate will decide.’” – Impellitteri “We gave it a soul. We’ll end up in hell. This is the devil’s revelation.” – Impious “I give you all my soul. I’m in love with the devil. You make me feel like I’m special. ‘Till I realize you’re no angel. I feel so caught now under your sway. Can I feel secure in your gaze? I’m always afraid. Why can’t I walk away? The feelings are too strong, that I can’t deny, I love walking in the danger zone.” – Irma “Sold my soul.” – Iron & Wine “Speak of the devil. The devil appears. Waiting for some one. Like watching a flame.” – Isaak Chris “But if we’re hellbound, whatever, let’s go down.” – J. Black “Sold my soul to Satan. I’ve been dancing with the devil. So when you get to hell you can say you know me. I’m easily attracted by the dark side. Devil keep following. For that fortune, some sold their soul to Satan.” – J. Cole “I love Satan. Satan sells tickets.” – Jack Black “Satan is around y’all. Devil on your shoulder. All these niggas is corn, sworn in secret societies, devils with no horn.” – Jadakiss

“Love the devil.” – Ja Rule

allthechildrenoflight-ja-rule-pain-is-love “Lookin at me like I’m Lucifer, cause he know I will deal with his case. Gon’ try and fit in with the Devil, I am on another seat” – Jason D. Harrow “See them demons and them omens staring at you, mind control, they want your soul. If he don’t see a dollar, somebody visiting Satan” – Jay Rock “Never prayed to God, I prayed to Gotti, that’s right it’s wicked, that’s life I live it. Ain’t askin’ for forgiveness for my sins. I gotta get my soul right, I gotta get these Devils out my life. Lord forgive him, He got them dark forces in. connected to the high power.” – Jay-Z “I have the devil in me.” – Jerry Lee Lewis “I sold my soul to the devil.” – Jesse Malin “So you bargain with the devil. There ain’t nothing for free.” – Jewel “I sold my soul.”  – Jill Sobule “To hell with the devil. I’m selling my soul to you.” – Jim Bianco “There ain’t no bibles in Hollywood. Cause we don’t have time to read.” – Jaime M “I met the spirit of Music, an appearance of the devil. I saw Satan.” – Jim Morrison “I made a deal with the devil for a whole lot of money.” – Jimmy Buffett “For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies. I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved. The thief (Satan) does not come, except to steal (souls), and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” – John 8:44, 10 “This life is killing me. This total insanity. The best I can say to you is to follow that dream until the hand of the devil will lead you away. Raising the devil. Death to the soul. Power behold raising the devil for the soul that he stole. I crashed down onto my knees and sold soul to hold the keys. Will come back to haunt you again in the end?” – John Sykes “I was born in the soul of misery. I’ve broken reach from here to hell. Working in the dark.” – Johnny Cash

“I’ve sold my soul to the devil.” – John Lennon

allthechildrenoflight-John-Lennon-Imagine “So you signed your name on the line, don’t read the fine print. Gave the world, but your wings, you lost them. (Lucifer) Don’t sell your soul to have what someone had yesterday. And just like that a star is born. I’m attracted to his glitz and his glamour. And once you get a taste of his poison, you’ll get all wrapped up in his lies. I only know him in the dark. Never took this road before. Yeah, I know that it’s wrong, I do.” – JoJo “I speak for Satan, Satan, Satan. My sweet forsaken Satan, Satan.” – Jonas Brothers “Done a deal with the devil.” – Judas Priest “I had sold my soul for pleasure.” – Judy Collins “Satan is my master Satan, I love you.” – Justin Timberlake “I sold my soul to the devil.” – Kanye West “I sold my soul to the devil.” – Kathy Griffin

“I sold my soul to the devil.” – Katy Perry

allthechildrenoflight-katy perry “I met the evil devil and he offered me a ride. Pay me the soul.” – Katzenjammer “I made a deal. I sold my soul.” – Kelsey Montanez “Them demons got me. Dear Lord save me! the Devil’s working hard.” –  Kendrick Lamar “I’ve been selling myself to the devil. He forces himself on me. He won’t let me go. ‘Yeah you wanna play my game?’ He won’t fade away. He’s got my soul to keep.” – Ken Lloyd “I put my name on the line for love. Death is in love with me. Entirely and eternally, I will be yours.” – Kerli “I wish I know that right from the start, that I was dancing with the dark.” – Ke$ha “The devil tryna rip out my soul. Lost my soul. I’ll see you in hell.” – Kid Cudi “I’m down with the devil. Tryin’ to fight these demons. Dancin’ with the devil’s rock n roll. I’ve paid the price.” – Kid Rock “Sold my soul to the devil, made a profit.” – Kevin Rudolf “I believe in the devil as much as God. You can use either one to get things done.” – KISS “The devil came up. He was lookin’ for a soul to steal. He had trouble in mind, as he drove on the line. He was lookin’ to make a deal. Said, ‘Boy, lemme tell ya what, you rock the beat pretty good, boy. ‘Cause I’m in your time, I could take that rhyme, and there ain’t nothin’ that you can do. We can make this little bet true. a turntable of gold against your soul.’” – K.M.C. Kru “God, why you let the devil produce. Kokain, product of the devil. God, alleviate Lucifer’s hate. The devil’s got their life in that strife and there’s no bliss. Things turned bad and Lord knows.” – Kokain “Sold my soul to the devil. Well the riches for a minute kept me hypnotized. Vicious wicked spirits kept me feelin’ mystified. Everybody wanna live their rich life. Gamblin they souls they so gone after this life. The fancy cars, big mansion stars, no chance at all and maybe lose a little bit integrity to gain. Wake up, wake up, wake up. Get out that slave mentality man. If its vain, its got to be fame. They caught up in the race often chasin the devil. Rebel against the world and it’s crooked wicked ways. Resist the world, only way you can be saved.” – Krayzie Bone

“The devil racks my soul.” – Kris Dane

“I’ll do anything I can to win you from the world, It’s something that my senses can’t control. Shake hands with the devil, I want your soul.” – Kris Kristofferson “Oh no, what did he do wrong. He sold his soul to the devil for a number one song. At night he was drugged up crazy and tormented. His fans wouldn’t know what he was going through, signing autographs, sharing laughs, he looked happy. But he wishes he never sold his soul for fame and money. He had top ten hits. And every night was the same old thing. He was full of fright but didn’t stop drug taking. Then he thought about the fame and money, he loved it more than peace. He was given a chance but he chose drugs and now he’s deceased. Now he’s in hell. Burning and screaming in pain. Now he realizes fame is useless. Now he’s dead, he realizes money and fame caused all this mess. He’s screaming out he’s got something to let you know. If you get the chance, choose peace of mind and let fame go! Let it go. He’s got his own self to blame.” – K Stone “This devilist bitch is so succulent, taking a piece of my soul every time.” – Kuniva “I will get stoned and worship Satan.” – Kurt Cobain

Judas is the demon I cling to. I’m in love with Judas

“Judas is the demon I cling to. I’m in love with Judas (devil). I am beyond repentance. I want your soul. I swear to Lucifer. My Lucifer. Capital H-I-M (his infernal majesty; Satan). Loves to dance in the dark.” – Lady Gaga Allthechildrenoflight-ladyGAGA-unicorn-centaur “The devil wants my soul. That would block off the way to heaven.” – L’arc en ciel “I sold my soul.” – Laura Wilde “I won’t support your lie no more. If I have to die, oh Lord, that’s how I choose to live. I can’t be victimised no more. I just don’t sympathize no more. ‘Cause now I understand. You (Satan) just wanna use me. You say ‘love’ then abuse me. I take the sacrifice, If everything must go. No more compromises. I see past your disguises. Blindin’ through mind control. Stealin’ my eternal soul. Appealin’ through material, to keep me as your slave. But faith is not your speed. Oh, you’ve had everyone believed, that you’re the sole authority. Just follow the majority. You’d be smart to save your soul, when escape is mind control. Are you sure it’s God you servin’? Obligated to a system.” – Lauryn Hill “I had a fall out with Satan. Repeating satanic verses.” – Layzie Bone “It’s nobody’s fault but mine. Try to save my soul tonight. Devil he told me to roll. Here’s to my Satan. Whose power is Satan. He’ll give you 666.” – Led Zeppelin “Dancing with the devil, two-stepping into Hell.” – Lex Zaleta “I sold my soul. Blame it on the devil.” – Liam Finn “Devil took my soul.” – Lil B “These devils find a way to get at’cha. All it takes is some green and your face on the screen.” – Lil’ Kim “She got the devil in her, I do whatever I want, hell’s angel. (Lucifer) Dance with the devil. Devil on my shoulder.” – Lil Wayne “My soul bleeds, devil must’ve planted the seed.” – Linkin Park “I’m drawn to the dark side, and the devil in my head.” – Lita Ford “I was directed and commanded by another power. The power of darkness that a lot of people don’t believe exists. The power of the devil. Satan.” – Little Richard “Sold you soul for a dollar. It’s the devil, you know.” – LL Cool J “I got that devilish flow, rock n roll, no halo.” – LMFAO “I see the invisible spirits, where demons still find it livable. I need a hug to hold my soul inside my body.” – Lisa Lopes “You’re going straight to hell by the devil’s side. Deal with the devil.” – Lizzy Borden

“Most people sell their souls.” – Logan P. Smith

“Lucifer, oh Lucifer, God of evil, you’re the god of pain, the darkness is where you find your light.” – Ludacris “I love her (Lucifer), with all my heart. She said that she would give me greatness, status, placement above the others. A match made in heaven, set the fires in hell. The devil on me. Every dream is designed and broadcasted from the masters to the masses.” – Lupe Fiasco “The slice of a soul as a man on the right hand.” – Machine Gun Kelly “Some devil with a pitchfork keep talkin’ like he know me. I stood before an Angel as he told me bout the glory.” – Mac Miller

“I don’t give a damn if I go to hell.” – Madonna


“Demanding the sacred right to burn in hell. Satan.” – Manowar “I lost my soul.” – Maps “There’s nothing left this soul to sell.” – Marilyn Manson “I have sold my soul.” – Marina and the Diamonds “Show business is one of the few businesses that the devil will actually agree to own just a portion of your soul, because he knows if you have a performer’s ego, you were probably working for him all along. When you actually meet the devil and he offers you a deal, most artists eventually negotiate.” – Marc Maron “Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.” – Matthew 4 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.” – Matthew 7:13 “For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” – Matthew 16:26 “And Larry, respect is what you traded for fame, when you made your deal with Satan.” – Maureen McCormick on Larry, the Cable Guy. “The game is so cold. The boy sold his soul. Devil said ‘I’ma give you the world.’” – MC Hammer “I am the Devil’s advocate.” – Megadeth “Can’t you see it’s out of control? Tonight the sweet devil’s got my soul.” – Melissa Etheridge “If your ultimate goal is to be famous, then you’re going to do a lot to get there like sign your name in blood in a contract with the devil. I’ve seen so many people forsake their moral codes, and their value system just for a little bit of fame. It’s not worth it at the end of the day, it’s really not worth it.” – Melyssa Ford “This time you can’t save yourself. But I think we’d all be fine If everyone would just shut up and listen. What you want is never what you need. Be careful what you wish for. This time you can’t save yourself.” – Memphis May Fire

Mercedes-Benz commercial

“Make a deal with me (devil) and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it.” “To the devil his due, I sold my soul.” – Mercyful Fate “I wish to sell my soul, to be reborn. Devil take my soul, with diamonds you repay. I will burn in hell from the day I die.” – Metallica “With devil worship and satanic verses.” – Method Man “Sell my soul to him.” – Midnight Oil “I sold my soul to the devil.” – Micah LeVar Troy “In the devil’s game. Even sell my soul to the devil.” – Michael Jackson “I walked along that slippery slope where if you fail through lack of faith, you sell your soul to the devil.” – Michelle Shocked “Give me your heart, give me your soul. I’ll take you when you’re young. The devil. There’s something that burns like a fire. Your loved by all men, but respected by none.” – Mike Ness “Satan’s sword I have become. We curse the holy ghost.” – Morbid Angel “Sold their souls, Satan.” – Morifade “Demonic, that’s what we are. Shout at the devil.” – Motley Crue “Sold my soul.” – Murderdolls “Welcome here in the dark. Your heart and soul with the evil. A deadly part. Fallen down from the heavens gate to earth. With the broken wings. And write with blood my name on the snow. Sacrifice for you my life. You’re the devil in disguise. I surrender my soul with you. For my sins I pay the price.” – Mystic Prophecy “I cried in desperation, bowed to evil sorcery. I sold my soul to the devil.” – Nazareth

“Now it’s the devil I love.” – Neko Case

I’ll trade my soul. What the hell, I’ve always been a part of generation 666.” – Nekromantix “I made a deal with the devil. I sold my soul.” – Never Shout Never “I just can’t pull myself away, under a spell I can’t break.” – Neyo “Up jumped the devil and took my soul from me. The devil and me, down we go. Hell fire to eternity.” – Nick Cave

“Sometimes I feel like Marilyn Monroe…

I don’t want to end up losing my soul.” – Nicki Minaj ALLTHECHILDRENOFLIGHT-NICKI-MINAJ “Lady Gaga is a pop prostitute, a Satanic bitch with her fascist and demonic secret signs. He (Satan) just needs a hot shot. You need a hot shot. You are always running out. Nothing matters anymore. All you want is go and score (souls). But they all seem to end that way. And they’re all livin, the devil may care. The devil has got his hooks on you. You are racing his clock. His plastic paradise won’t last. You’ve got a no future and no past. Anyone can see your eyes. Excuse me, hell is full of lies. Why should the devil have all the good music. Man, it would be such a shame, iIf we won’t stop the devil’s game.” – Nina Hagen “Here is no hope, here is no right. Come pick a card, the devil’s game is on tonight. Come step inside and take a look, what do you see..splenderously. Here is no love, here is no might. There’s just one game, come step inside. The time is right. Your soul to pay if you don’t beat the jackal face. You wanna play the devil’s game? You better face what’s coming. Silvertongue devil, burning in my soul. Got a pocket full of diamonds, fortune, fame and gold. Don’t you want it all? The ace of spades you choose. This time it’s do or die. Your soul belongs to the devil. You picked the wrong card, now it’s time to pay.” – Nocturnal Breed “I sold my soul for the second time, cause’ the man don’t pay me.” – Noel Gallagher “Ja sold his soul.” – Obie Trice on Ja Rule “Your fate is mine. Teasing your soul, is ripe for the devil.” – Okuniev “I have to spit the devil who is lying trough my throat. He drinks my brain with a straw. He smokes my vocal cords.” – Olivia Ruiz “Eternal salvation suffers from inflation. I’m losing control. Teach me the magic of your sacred poems. Woman is the devil. All you sinners, blasphemers, burn in the pit.” – Otep “You waited on Satan’s call.” – Ozzy Osbourne “There’s a bunch of devil worshippers in Hollywood. They be throwing the signs. All of them. The devil is real. It seems to be a price on it. It seems to be some contract you sign with the devil.” – Paul Mooney “He sold his soul to the devil for worldly power.” – Phantom of the Paradise: movie “Join the line. Dance with the devil, he’s stealing your soul. Sold their souls, Satan’s slaves. Now the devil must be paid. The music holds them in its spell. They’ll soon be dancing now in hell.” – Phenomena “God won’t let me into heaven because I’m too evil.” – Phil Spector “Made ya’ deal with the devil, but you sold your soul.” – Pimp C “”Lucifer Sam, always sitting by your side. He releaseth my soul for he has great power.” – Pink Floyd “They sell their soul but the devil knows I have no number.” – Pitbull

“The devil wanders into my soul.” – PJ Harvey

“I’ve been wasting all my time with the devil in the details. All of my wrongs and all my wicked ways, will come back to haunt me. Looks like the devil’s here to stay.” – Placebo “This soul’s been sold.” – Poisonblack “Dance with the devil. He wants your soul.” – Prince “I find only demons. I be the hatred in your eyes and the Satan in your lives.” – Proof “But how you sell soul to souless people who sold their soul? I guess we all got stole on by some of the same cats that sold ya soul.” – Public Enemy “The mark of the devil is upon you. Damnation is waiting in the mirror but you shouldn’t mind. The devil is waiting with your worthless soul. And you want to join the laughter, sharing, simple shreds of feeling, but you fidget and your heart is growing cold.” – Pulp “Sold my soul.” – Pusha T “Sellin’ devil their soul.” – Raekwon “Justice is the pain now. The devil takes you. Ride with the devil. He’ll take your life away. You’ll never destroy our fear.  Except your soul. You sold your soul for order. So he could take it over. The string he pulls inside my head. At last, I will discover rrue Meaning of our lord. The devil inside my head.” – Raging Speedhorn “Drinking with the devil, gonna raise some hell. Got my soul to sell. I’m at your command.” – Rainbow “Oh my, look what I’ve done. These angel filled skies. The road might be long, but it’s my road tonight. I said, God be my driver. God, be my lighter. I’ll be careful for what I wish for in this life. What the hell’s going on? I said hey Mr. Soul, what you got for me? I know nothing here’s free. Careful what you wish for.” – Raine Maida “Look in the mirror. Tell me do you like what you see. What you`ve done to your body and soul. Like a fool I was blinded. What can I do. No point running. Got the devil, got the devil inside you.” – Raven “Sell out, record company’s gonna give me lots of money.” – Reel Big Fish “Sold your soul to the devil.” – Reaper movie “I’ve done made a deal with the devil.” – Red Adair “First of all, we want to thank Satan.” – Red Hot Chili Peppers “I find it hard, to believe it took all of my living years for me to see, the most of the things I´ve ever wanted keep me from knowing my soul. I feel i´m falling into a trial. Or how much I believe in you, i´ll keep doing what the devil says to do. You´re a liar, you´re a fool and you think you´re paying dues, saying that you´re hopeless, faithless, but that ain´t true. You´re just living something I can´t find my way out of. ” – Richie Kotzen “The world demonic legions prevail.” – Rigor Mortis

Took an oath,  Rihanna

ALLTHECHILDRENOFLIGHT-rihanna-shhh “Took an oath, I’ma stick it out to the end. These fancy things, will never come in between. You’re part of my entity, here for infinity. ’Cause in the dark, you can’t see shiny cars, and that’s when you need me there. Satan.” – Rihanna “Hello Satan, it’s time to go. Me and the devil, walkin’ side by side. Hellbound. I went to the crossroads. ” – Robert Johnson “Cause’ I live with Satan.” – Robert Plant “I took whatever the devil offered me.” – Robin Thicke “Dreaming be damned, this is control. Taping your soul, devil’s hole.” – Rob Zombie “I signed a deal with Satan because I wanted to get famous. Than I forgot I had a deal with Satan and then I got really famous.” – Roseanne Barr “I made a pact with the devil. I signed a deal with my maker, Satan’s my record company.” – Royce da 5’9 “And I even made the devil sell me his soul. Fire from the depths of hell.” – Run–D.M.C. “This is a man who signed his pact with the devil 20 years ago.” – Sam Mendes “Like a gift from the heavens, it was easy to tell, It was love from above, that could save me from hell. She had fire in her soul. It was easy to see, how the devil himself could be pulled out of me. Every soul in the room keeping time with their hands. Like a piece to the puzzle that falls into place. We danced through the night.” – Santana “Wise men say be careful what you wish, for truth would surely shame the branding of your name. She said, sign your soul to me, and I will set you free. They come a dime of a dozen in cornucopias of many kinds. But It’s all right. I’m gonna take this money, turn it around times ten and start a brand new life with you. How could an angel marry the devil? What is my next move to get back to you? To get back to the heaven that I once knew? She (Lucifer) will be the only heaven you will ever see because you signed your soul to me. Scream the tremors of past wished. Should’ve never wished this. I’ll take my cues from the wise in the next life.” – Scapegoat “I got a Lucifer soul. I’ll be the Devil’s son, Devil’s work, gettin’ work.” – Schoolboy Q “I rode the bicycle of the devil, driving straight to hell. The bicycle of the devil will take you straight to hell.” – Scissor Sisters “It irks me when I get burned. And the knowledge that things won’t be the same. Now i realize that you have won. And there’s nothing to be said or done. So run with the devil.” – Seether “I’m selling my soul to Hollywood Records. I love you like a love song baby, a sinful, miracle, lyrical. He ate my soul. I’m torn I’m selling my soul to the rhythm because I’m become so possessed with the music he plays. I chose a path and I’m not looking back.” – Selena Gomez “So many sold their souls.” – Shad “I work for Satan.” – Shawn Crahan “I sold my soul to the devil.” – Shelton Hank Williams “I can tell that you a devil by them rhymes you’re designing. Something about soul.” – Shooting Star “Leased my soul to the devil with the option to buy.” – Shyne “This is a relationship in which you make a sacrifice. You pay a price. I got a soul for sale. To a puppet on the shelf just screaming: ‘Puppet master, choose me.’ We’ll go down in flames together – light it up like papparazzi. Go and light my name in flames. So sign me up to love you (devil) ‘cause I’m ready for the game. Sign on the line, make a deal with the devil in blood. I know your love is bad but I want it all.” – Simon Curtis “First of all, want nothing so bad, you sell your soul to get it. Have some kind of parameters of what you are before you come here (Hollywood).” – Sinbad “The devil wouldn’t even recognize. That’s why I got the electric eye. I lost my wings and fell to earth.” – Sky Ferreira “I’m a sell out for you.” – Skylar Grey “Warriors from the gates of hell, in lord Satan we trust.” – Slayer “I can’t believe you sold out. Rip your soul out.” – Smile Empty Soul “Why not sell my soul and go on Jersey Shore? And that’s what I did.” – Snooki “I think it’s too late for prayin, hold up, a voice spoke to me and it slowly started sayin’ ‘Bring your lifestyle to me I’ll make it better. I’ll make your life better than you can imagine or even dreamed of.’ I see demons. So relax your soul let me take control. You go down with the devil. Now roam through the depths of hell, where the rest your homeboys dwell.” – Snoop Dogg “He sold his soul to the devil.” – Son House “Always talk about the money. Devil take my soul if you want it. Made a deal.” – Son of Dave “Blue eyed devil. Six hundred and sixty six.” – Soul Coughing “The darkness within me. What dwells inside becomes clearer. I pray my God, forgive this.” – Soul Embraced “I made a deal with the devil and sold my soul.” – Spice 1 “Hail Satan.” – Splender “I heard the devil callin’ me.” – Spliff Starr “God have mercy on my soul. What did you expect? The hero is a wretch, a devil in the flesh. Are you disenchanted by the idols humanness?” – Stavesacre “I don’t need to sell my soul, he’s (devil) already in me.” – Stone Roses “I’m bigger than then the devil. You won’t pay for your sins. So offer your soul to claim you. Cloven hoof is with your tail between your legs. Beelzebub you’re through.” – Stormtroopers Of Death “The return of the friendly card invites you to play with the fire. But the joker is closing his eyes if your stake`s getting higher and higher. The reaper smiles, the ten is cut. The jack is allyin` with the queen of spades. The ace is low but the king is high, and little devil plays another lie with you. The ultimate deed is done. Burnt with the trident, and little devil has won. But the stake of your soul will be granted.” – Stygma IV “You gotta sell your soul to be a superstar.” – Sublime “I’m a prisoner of a demon, this must be my punishment for selling my soul.” – Suicidal Tendencies “I let the devil buy my soul. I’m driven by the devil.” – Sway “Mother never told me that the monsters weren’t real. Angel, you can’t hide the little devil inside. Why don’t u see the shame of the ways you wanna bring ‘em down? This so called fantasy, shatters everyone, everything around.” – Talisman “What could ever take your place. Every devil wants to have it out. But i can reach for you. And we’re dancing again.” – Tanya Donelly “The devil, take me now. I can’t hide from you. Prisoners of course, taken by force.” – Tears for Fears “They call me devil boy. You’re gonna operate in hell. She devil, her greed level is hella high. Taking a piece of my soul everytime.” – Tech N9ne “Devil gonna vandalize/steal your soul. Ain’t got no kind of soul. Got no place to go.” – Ted Horowitz “Darkness, evil, hell. The world of demons. Only evil lives here. There’s no way out. Feel the fire. Dance with the devil.” – The 6th Gate “Shout to the devil. In the soul. Still fighting off the hounds of hell. For we all fall short of the glory.” – The Alarm “We just do deals with the devil. Because God gave soul and the devil rock’n’roll.” – The Bosshoss “Well, I can’t stop this evil feel. Do you want to make a deal? It’s all wrong, now. I must be the devil.” – The Box Tops “It’s such an easy place to run/turn to. So please, let me in. I didn’t mean to get in this spot. There was a devil in my soul and it will never let me go. Now I’m staring from the other side, and now it’s not so cool. Please let me go.” – The Cinematics “Well you made a deal with the devil, and now your soul is mine. You sold it for eternity when you signed that dotted line. Like a lifeless little pawn, money, pleasure wrapped in leather; fortune and fame. Sell your soul.” – The Creepshow “Come on lil’ devil, be my little angel.” – The Cult “Instead of doing your deal with the devil.” – The Dark Knight “Ask for the devil and he shall appear.” – The Dark Knight Rises “Who, in their right mind, could possibly deny the twentieth century was entirely mine (Satan). Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven, is that it? Why not? I’m here on the ground with my nose in it since the whole thing began. I’ve nurtured every sensation man’s been inspired to have. Let me give you a little inside information about God. God likes to watch. He gives man instincts. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does he do, for his own amusement, he sets the rules in opposition. It’s the goof of all time. Look but don’t touch. Touch, but don’t taste. Taste, don’t swallow. Free will, it is a bitch.” – The Devil’s Advocate movie “You were all right. There is a god. But he isn’t on my side. He watches as my soul dies. I was sold as a slave. The demons dug their nails. And my debt’s not paid. Sold my soul. Don’t you believe me? They won’t forget me. Sold my soul to hell. I struck blood from an undeserving enemy. You were all right. There is a hell. But it’s waiting for the right time. They’ve gotta know. There’s no hope.” – The Devil’s Contract “All faith corroded, your fate within my hands. How can we rest while the fires burn outside? I am pulled down with the weight of the broken, I will fall. Our souls burn. Devil sold his soul.” – The Disappointment “You’ve got your demons. I’ve got a few of my own.” – The Eagles “He lost his soul to a woman (Lucifer) so heartless.” – The Fray “And the man in my soul makes me behave. I got a devil looking over my back.” – The Gadjits “Walking on top of the devils roof. Walk through the gates of Hell, see my Impala parked in front. I sold my soul to the devil.” – The Game “I’m a devil with a battered brain. And I’m lookin’ for a future, the world’s my aim.” – The Germs “You better run from the devil’s gun. The race is on, so you better run. If you stay, the devil will catch you anyway. He’ll seek you everywhere. The devil’s fire just won’t go out. He burns you up from head to toe. The devil’s grip just won’t let go.” – The Gun You don’t owe me, no back pay. I’m gonna tell that to the devil.” – The Marshall Tucker Band “Too bad I sold my soul to the fuckin devil.” – The Pharcyde “They screaming your name. And I promised myself that I’d do anything. We all wanna be famous. But be careful what you wish for, ‘cause you just might get it. When I grow up, I wanna be famous I wanna be a star. You just might get it. I can be a little devil. I beg you for forgiveness for all of the mistakes I’ve made. Sorry I couldn’t wear your halo.” – The Pussycat Dolls “We’ve been walking a crooked road. Hands right down in the soil. The suppression of truth. We’re gonna search till we find our dreams. Gonna play so good make the devil cry.” – The Return

“Stole many a man’s soul and faith.


Just call me Lucifer.” – The Rolling Stones

“Dance with the devil. We give heaven and hell.” – The Sounds “I sold your soul to the devil.” – The Spookshow “The chemical fire Is the tongue. The tangerine is the fire. Hurts like red roses can hurt. Acid and sweet, flows the river inside me, like the unbearable desire. Breaking my soul and setting me free. Burning the fire of passion, devil. ” – The Temple “The devil’s bought your body. The devil’s bought your soul. So now to do his evil Is your only goal. Serve each of his evil deeds. You’ll bow down to Satan. Satan is your king.” – The Tiger Lillies “Work by the power of Satan, addicted to the payments. Consciousness future levels that he never did Imagine fathomable, but the story only brings an unimaginable trinity to a king, who traded the adversities of sin. He loved the beneficial fruit, so plentiful in taste, and rich superficial delusions of a human race. My soul’s never afraid to die. Who knew our dreams would be the afterlife.” – The Underachievers “Sold my soul.” – The Used “I’m throwin’ away my soul.” – The Wanted “Devil whispers in my ear, ‘It’s time for your curtain call.’” – The Whistler “If you’re the chosen one, if you’re the number one, where do you run to? You hide there with your demons. They call you Lucifer. The fires are burning. I watch the devil as he dances round me. Do you really want to drag me down? And take me to the gates of hell? No more dancing with the stars. I did it all for you back then. And look at me now, I’m half the prisoner, half the man, this life is resting in your hands. You’re forcing down the lies, but you always get your way. Something tells me this was all arranged. You trick me once again.” – The Wolf Gang “See the soul inside me. There will be no lies, just silent hope to break free. I was deprived of, the healing light of your dark sin. As darkness consumes everything I try to do. I’ll take the blame for everything cause I love you. I can’t block out these thoughts. Love is the devil, my tortured soul.” – Third Realm “I’m a man without a heart , without a soul. I’ll be here by your side forever. We’ll be chained to this sin together ‘cause I am the tool of the devil.” – Thunderstone “This searching for a brand new world Is getting the best of me. I could sell my soul to the devil for a dime. I got nowhere to turn. I got nothin’ to lose. It’s such a sin.” – Tinsley Ellis “I sold my soul to the devil.” – This Providence “They’ll rather hand me to Satan.” – T.I “Hold down whats inside. I don’t want to run. I can’t remember the last thing I said to you. We’ll separate the tides. But i’m falling to pieces. I am cursed.” – Tides “I really wish I could tell you guys what the industry really is and what stars are apart of destroying this world. The stars who worship Satan, and those who have killed (blood sacrifices) to get the respect they have now. Satan was head of music in heaven. He uses it to influential people, to help influence the world. Once you make a certain amount of money, just know that that’s when they ask you to join. To get in, you have accept the beast, worship. Once you join, they assist you with your career, make you huge, only if you agree and obey to destroy God’s word and his children.” – Tiffany Evans “And givin’ him half of what is earned. Could be a star on your TV screen. But it’s a dream excitin’ and it’s over ridin’. What would you sacrifice? Would you dare, would you bare? Would you take it or leave it? And it can take you under when it feels like thunder. Is it the devil in your soul? There’s someone at the door.” – Tiffani Wood “The devil took his soul. There’s always a price you pay no matter what you do. If you’re gonna climb that mountain to the top It always comes down to how bad do you want it? You’ve got to lay it all out on the line.” – Tim McGraw “Cut me like a deck of cards. I thought you had me. You thought that you had me. But hey, devil, go on.” – Toby Mac “My soul, you can have it. I’d sell it to the devil for another hit. I hear voices.” – Tom Meighan “A heart as cold as ice. Shake the devil.” – Tommy Bolin “If you walk with Jesus, he’s gonna save your soul. You gotta keep the devil way down in the hole. He’s got the fire and the fury at his command.” – Tom Waits “I pray to the angels that worship the devil.” – Tony Yayo “I sold my soul to make a record.” – Tool “I wanted to marry Lucifer. I feel his presence in my music.” – Tori Amos “Demons they are on my trail. I’m standing at the crossroads of the hell. All you folks think I got my price, at which I’ll sell all that is mine. You think money rules when all else fails. Go sell your soul and keep your shell. Some say the devil be a mystical thing. I say the devil he a walking man. He a fool, he a liar, conjurer, and a thief. He try to tell you what you want. Try to tell you what you need.” – Tracy Chapman “When you duel with the devil living in your mind. Flooding into your soul.” – Transatlantic “The devil’s got a hold of me.” – Travis Barker “I’d sold my soul to the devil.” – Tuck Everlasting movie “I sold my soul. Sellin’ my soul for material wishes, fast cars and bitches. Am I cold, or is it just I sold my soul? Gamble for your soul with the devil. Is this my destiny? No one was there when I took the wrong path. Tell the lord they got my mind, but he can have the rest of me. I wish I could turn back the time. Resist the temptation.” – Tupac Shakur “So what became of love in man, and what became of you? The devil will want you back. ” – Two Door Cinema Club “I sold my soul to the devil. Lucifer will have my soul.” – Tyler, the Creator “We are the magic spell. Seven blasphemies to the holy world. In hell. One destiny. In join with the devil.” – Undercroft “Satan has a devil put aside for me.” – Queen “Made ya’ deal with the devil, but you sold your soul.” – UGK “That energy called evil is alone from the body and that reason, called good, is alone from the soul. Possessor of the command of heavenly host, is called the devil or Satan, and his children are called sin and death. For this history has been adopted by both parties. At liberty when of devils and hell, is because he was a true poet and of the devil’s party without knowing it.” – Ulver “I’m possessed by rock’n’roll. Sell your soul. It’s gonna drag you under, gonna take your heart and soul.” – Uriah Heep “Runnin’ with the devil. When I jumped out on that road.” – Van Halen “I want it so badly and it’s there to take. Standing at the crossroads. Waiting for the devil to take my soul. I’d sell my soul. When I meet the devil, I won’t hesitate.” – Vanderbuyst “I’m dancing with the devil” – Vanishing Point “I sold my soul to the devil.” – Vaya Con Dios “I am possessed by all that is evil. The death of your God, I demand and sit at Lord Satan’s left hand.” – Venom “Tthe devil is walking around. I sold my soul way down in the dirt.” – Volbeat “The devil entered me.” – Waka Flocka “I wouldn’t wish success on my worst foe. You see, the devil is alive but he work slow. And yea I should’ve seen the signs by my first quote. Devil makes you famous.” – Wale “I could sense that hidden power. You’ve gone and sold your soul to fame.” – Wanderers “I sold my soul a long time ago. Signed and sealed. I met him down by the crossroads.” –  W.A.S.P. “We’re gonna totally sell out and try to dominate the world.” – Wes Borland “I’m everything your hearts desire. There’s a man telling me that I’m gonna be free, if I just sign my name on the line. That the world is watching me. Flick the switch to my reality. ‘Cause I’m a new age sacrifice.” – Wet wet wet “I hate God. Son of Satan.” – Will.I.Am “Sold my soul.” – Willy Mason “Traded my soul. I made a deal with the devil. Fortune and fame, fire and flames.” – Winger “Sold my soul.” – Wish “The devil gave us the task. Human who believe in god, must be exterminated, signed by the devil.  We indicate them the right way to hell to praise Satan.” – Wizard “I took her hand over my soul she (Lucifer) took command. A soul for the devil, she took from me.” – Wolf “I am the keeper, soul, heart stealer. I’ll put a spell, a spell on you – voodoo. I’ll steal your life away. I’ve got the cards stacked high. You’re dealing with the devil, that’s no lie. Yeah, you’re coming with me. It’s time to lay your money down. Ace high, diamonds low. The spades are in my hands. You’ve been dealing with the devil.” – X-Wild “Given to the beast by fate.” – Yelawolf “Married to the game. If we’re dancing with the devil at least teach us how to dance when the son of making dollars.” – Young Jeezy “I have sold my soul. Just sign right here.” – Zakk Wylde “So you think you can make it better? Just be careful what you wish for. Paint the perfect picture. But these pictures are deceiving, ‘cause the colors lost their place. And they’re dripping down and bleeding. And they’re running and running away. Packed it up and leaving. And these dreams turn to nightmares. Like a promise with no meaning. So be careful what you wish for You just might get it. And if this is what you live for, you might as well forget it. You don’t know what you wish for, the small print, never end.” – Zebrahead “I’m a devil, hunting your souI. I’m lost in my heart. The power of hell comes to your soul.” –  Zé Ramalho “When you were shouting at the devil, we were In league with Satan. In and out it’s an endless cycle, she (Lucifer) owns your soul. Kneel before your lord and master and serve the hole. The devil’s mouth.” – Zimmer’s Hole “You´ll find he sold his soul to the devil for a shot at the big time.” – Zoolander movie

Message From Heaven To All

 To watch Angelica Zambrano full story, click here: ( Sources: Angelica Zambrano, rapgenius, azlyrics, youtube, artists lyrics,  Caroline Achieng Otieno, mostholyfamilymonastery, mediaexposed, youtube )